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Browse through these FAQs to find answers to commonly raised questions about our admission process.

Please follow the link to our admissions process page.

Please follow the following link to make an appointment.

Please refer to our tuition fees page.

This depends per grade and subject, but on average 16 students per class.

We will consider those students who are not proficient in English if we believe that, over their projected time at St. John’s, they will be able to develop proficiency in academic English sufficient to enter the IB Diploma Programme. Normally, Grade 8 is the last year to which an absolute beginner English Learner is admitted to the School.

We offer English as an Additional Language (EAL): The acquisition of English as an Additional Language is recognised as requiring special provision for some students whose first or current academic language is not English. Teaching staff determine the need for additional help in English language acquisition, and language support is provided as appropriate. The level of teaching is adjusted to each student’s needs, with a balanced emphasis on the language comprehension and production demanded by their classes. 

We offer a large range of activities for all ages in the Fall, Winter and Spring, this includes a variety of competitive and non-competitive sports, music, drama, arts, cooking, chess, coding and much more.

Please visit our extracurricular activity page.

From Grade 6 onwards, but all boarding applications will be assessed and reviewed on an individual basis.

We have an efficient and extensive school bus system which services a wide area around Waterloo, including the centre of Brussels and surrounding cities, plus the towns in the larger Waterloo region. The service includes pick-up from your front door wherever possible. Our High School students serve as bus monitors to ensure the rules are followed by all students on the bus and to help younger students when needed. Our bus coordinator can provide you with approximate pick-up and drop-off times.